Saturday, March 22, 2014

PEANUT in my tummy?!

 We first found out that we were pregnant when we were vacationing in Newport Beach, CA over Christmas break with the Platt family. Obvi I found out before Daniel because I didn't tell him I was taking a pregnancy test (sneaky sneaky)! Actually, we decided that I would take one as soon as we got home from vacation because I was already a couple weeks late (and I'm never late!). We had planned to go to Disneyland while we were there and Disney is my absolutely most favorite place! Then I thought...well, what if I really AM pregnant and I go on those jerky rides?! No bueno.  So then I said, "Self, go purchase a pregnancy test..." and purchase a pregnancy test I did. 

It was Dec. 24th and we have been doing a million things since we arrived and I have yet to go to the drug store to get one. I snuck away while people went to See's Candies to hurry and grab one at Thrifty's. I tried to be sneaky about it so I think I bought myself a snack to go with it to for a cover up...haha! Anyway, while everyone napped that late afternoon, I went in the bathroom to take the test...Pee'n on a stick wasn't as easy as I thought and obvi I wanted to do it the correct way. The instructions said I had to wait 3 minutes for the full results. So I put a timer on my phone as I waited patiently. Patiently?! YEA RIGHT! It was the longest 3 minutes of my life!! The solid pink double lines appeared before my eyes a little less than 2 minutes...So I waited another minute to be sure. My heart was pounding so fast as if I'd just sprinted up the street and back! The results were POSITIVE!!

At this point, I'm wondering if it might be a fluke in the test. But I purchased the best one over the came with the second test to confirm the pregnancy. The instructions indicated that it's best to take the test in the morning. So I decided to wait and take the second one first thing in the morning. For the rest of the day I could not contain myself! I didn't even have the nerve to tell Daniel until I was able to take the second test. The whole day was nerve wrecking! Luckily the boys were at Legoland so all I had to do was to lay low and zip it until the next morning.

SO the next day came! December 25th, Christmas Day. I'm the first one to wake and I rush to the bathroom...I pee on the second stick and within the next minute and a half, the results..."YES"! I hurried up to finish, cap the test, and wrapped it up in some left over wrapping tissue paper. I shook Daniel awake and told him he had to wake up immediately! (I promise I did not do this intentionally by taking it before Christmas). So I flip the light on and demanded that he open his first Christmas gift! He was like, hmmm ok...when he opened it, his expression was priceless! He had to ask me "really" when the answer was right in front of him! LOL. We were so happy and hugged for a few minutes. I think I cried a little...

I was only 6 wks along at that time and we decided to wait to tell our family until we were further along in the pregnancy. The rest of the vacation was hard because all I wanted to do was blurt out our news!! But we decided a long time ago, that we would wait. So we waited...It was probably the best vacation ever and all I could think of was that I was growing a little peanut in my tummy and how amazing God's gifts are!

OH YES! And might I add, I felt the baby move today!! (17 weeks, 6 days)

LDS Temple, Newport Beach, CA


Happy Heavin said...

Haha so when I asked if you were trying to get pregnant or planning you KNEW you were pregnant?!?!? Haha good job waiting!!

The Platt's said...

haha! Yes, i was... ;)

FergyPlatt said...

That was the best post ever! Thanks for sharing the story. You WERE so sneaky :) We are so happy for you two and know you are being blessed to start your adorable family. Love you!